We have divided up the responsibilities and areas as best we could into the different portfolios and are looking for people to join the portfolios and help drive the improvement we want to see. You can also contact them with issues regarding their area.
To contact members of the KRRA’s Executive Committee (EXCO), please send an email on: krraexco@gmail.com
- Chairperson – Brett Anderson
- Deputy Chairperson – Phumla Williams
- General Secretary – Kristina Gubic
- Treasurer– Charlotte van Vuuren
- Convener, Development Planning – Jack van de Vorst
- Convener, Economic Development – Vacant
- Jack van de Vorst
- Brett Anderson
- Convener, Rhodes Park – Maurice Smithers
- Raj Naran
- Convener, Safety – Dave Holmes
- Convener Communications – Jo-Anne Collinge
- Phumla Williams | Raj Naran | Kristina Gubic | Michelle Nel
- Convener, Infrastructure – Vacant
- Committee Member – Marcus Toerien